Celebrating Disability Pride Month
By Maya Savino
July, not only marks the peak of the summer months, but also a month to promote disability and as not just an identity, but a community that is celebrated and recognized, Disability Pride Month.
Here at ASHITA, we have always made it a mission of ours to understand how to become a better ally to numerous communities. Our work with Prosthetics for Change and Anklet for Ankle campaign has inspired us to learn and contribute towards these communities. With the end of July approaching, we are here to provide you with the resources to fulfill the same mission.
Behind Disability Pride Month
The first Disability Pride Day celebration was held in Boston in 1990, the same year President George H. Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act. This law prohibited the discrimination against people with disabilities, providing them with a sense of visibility they had yet to experience by law and especially in their individual communities.
While legislative demands were fulfilled, stereotypical biases and misconceptions lingered. People with disabilities continue to face this prejudice, however the disability rights movement continues to bring awareness and empowerment to people with disabilities.
Since 1990, Disabilities Pride Day has been celebrated in numerous cities across the country, including San Francisco, Chicago, and New York. On July 12, 2015, New York City held its first official Disability Pride Parade and has been celebrated ever since. There are several festivities during Disability Pride Month, but if you can’t attend, there are still many ways for you to support those with disabilities this month, and forever on. So here’s a few resources and organizations we would like to refer to.
Organizations to Support
Anklet for Ankle
At ASHITA, we have immersed ourselves in several organizations in which we contribute to. Our work with Prosthetics for Change and our Anklet for Ankle campaign are just a few examples of how we contribute to the disabled community. Through these efforts we have established a connection with many people and continue to give back to these communities. Find out more about what inspired our founder, Ashita Dhadda to make this an integral part of our philanthropic mission.
Prosthetics for Change - Jaipur, India |