Time for a Change: Growth and Rebranding of ASHITA
a problem with no solution or saw an opening in the marketplace for something new. Paired with this idea
is a dream that every business owner has, to grow big and make an impact.

doesn’t cost weeks worth of paychecks. ASHITA satisfies your colorful jewelry desires in an affordable way.
A business is not built in a day, new changes are made daily to ensure you stay on trend and don’t fall behind competition. ASHITA started out with minimal product designs, a small following, and a brand identity that wasn’t fully formed.

From the start, we have been all for color, but we didn’t always show it. Our original packaging
was black and white (plain and basic we know). We knew that needed to be changed, so now our
packaging is white, rose gold, and wrapped up in a pink bow.
Digital Application
Our website used to only have color on our banner images and failed to showcase our bold side.
Now, our website and emails scream color between colorful grid designs on our website collection pages,
gradients on our emails, and our running banners. Prior to a major redesign, our emails were blocky and
weren’t eye-catching. Now, they have taken on a very playful design thanks to gifs, gradients, and new images.
Social Media
Due to the prominence of social media and its ability to reach large audiences, using these platforms is
the ideal way to grow. Our social media accounts have grown tremendously allowing us to connect
with new audiences.
When we started, our Instagram was focused on grouping similarly colored product images together.
Now, our Instagram is made up of influencer, lifestyle, and professional images. As Tik Tok and Instagram
reels have gained popularity, we have started creating video content showcasing behind the scenes of
our photoshoots and our favorite places in NYC.
What's Next?
We have come a far way, but our goals have only grown. Today’s work is a major improvement from
where we were, but in the future today’s work will be considered where we started. Brand founder Ashita
explains “as a small jewelry business, change is pivotal and aligning ASHITA with feelings of boldness, vibrancy,
and playfulness will create a memorable impression”. We won’t stop any time soon so join ASHITA as we dive
further into the gold and enamel jewelry industry… It’s only the start!